Post by Admin on Jul 19, 2018 18:52:36 GMT
Welcome to the forums.
This forum has been created for those people who are afraid to voice their opinions in fear of retaliation, public shaming or bashing and with social media's unforgivable community, this forum can serve as an outlet to your pent up opinions regarding things that are worth your attention. We all have different views on different things, thus there tends to be conflict between ideas. ExclusiveThoughts is a place where you can discuss things with other people without the fear of being judged. ExclusiveThoughts aims to provide wholesome discussions, inspiring debates and eye opening talks that will help people broaden their horizon. You can express yourself here without any fears at all. If you can't take constructive criticism or just not open to new ideas, you can still browse the forum, however, please prepare yourself mentally.
Your Identity will be kept only by yourself, so feel free to say anything about anything. Confidentiality is key, however, if you do want to be known, please feel free to do so.